


The State of European Tech 2021

Fintech Report  

Every year Atomico release their State of European Tech report, which is the biggest data-led investigation into the European tech ecosystem. Central to the 2021 report was the concept of a self sustaining flywheel that Atomico wanted to bring attention to.

This is where I came in, being tasked with creating a huge and detailed illustration that would visualise this mechanism. Working with Studio GooLove I put together this isometric wonderland that has gone on to win a silver medal at the 2022 European Design Awards.
The State of European Tech 2021

Fintech Report 


Every year Atomico release their State of European Tech report, which is the biggest data-led investigation into the European tech ecosystem. Central to the 2021 report was the concept of a self sustaining flywheel that Atomico wanted to bring attention to.

This is where I came in, being tasked with creating a huge and detailed illustration that would visualise this mechanism. Working with Studio GooLove I put together this isometric wonderland that has gone on to win a silver medal at the 2022 European Design Awards.